Saturday, April 28, 2007

Handi-caped parking

You know what I hate….. I hate those fucking people who park in the Customer with children spots and put out their Handicap signs and prance into the store, all while a mother of 2 young children has to park several cars back and push a stroller with one hand and try to keep control of another young child in the other while walking through a busy parking lot.

These type of people piss me off because you know that these same people would bitch and complain if someone was parked in there marked spot with out a tag. You know what the world doesn’t revolve around you just because you’re to fat for your leg’s to carry your own weight, or you can’t take care of your self and give yourself a heart attack. You people bitched and complained enough that by-laws where passed to give you lazy fucks close parking spots, and fines for anyone parking in them that are not suppose to, at least have the respect to give mothers of young children there 2-3 spot that where laid out, out of courtesy by the stores for them, and maybe then I’ll start having a little bit of respect for you..

I am a father of a 16 month old, and I don’t even use those spots out of respect for the other parents.

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