Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Who are the real racist's

Ok I'm PISSED. As I've stated before I am not a racist, but this has to be said. I was watching T.V. with my wife when I got home from work today and she was watching the Tyra Banks show and they did this focus group on race with a bunch of young kids, and they were showing the kids 2 pictures at a time.

The first set of pictures they showed was a white model smiling and that is all you could see of him; and another picture right beside that picture of what appeared to be a middle eastern man in their usual clothes you see on the T.V. standing beside a dirty brown wall kind of smiling. they asked the kids who in their mind was the nicer man. I even picked the white guy because it was the more appealing picture.

Then they showed a picture of a Black kid and a Chinese kid. The Chinese kid was dressed nicer then the black kid and they asked the kids who they thought was smarter. I naturally picked the Chinese kid only because of the crisp nice clothes and so did the kids.

Another set of pictures showed a nice looking Black lady casually dressed next to a White lady dressed in this off white dress with like a white aura around her; she looked like a fucking angel; and they asked the kids who do you think was the princess who do you think they picked????? OHH the fucking angel; give me a break.

One of the last sets of pictures showed a White guy dressed in a baggy sweater and all there was around him was this white back drop and floor; then they showed this Black guy dressed like a thug standing next to a inner brick wall (kind of looked like a brick wall you would find in a jail) and asked the kids who is the criminal and of course because of the environment around the Black guy they picked the Black guy.

Then the last set of pictures shown was a picture of an older Black man and a older White man and they asked the kids, which of these two people is the president? Now this one I picked the Black guy because you saw from the waist up on him and he was well dressed and he kind of looked like Nelson Mandela. But because of the trend that all the previous pictures showed the kids choose the White guy.

I my opinion these poor innocent children were set up to fail this study. I've never watched the Tyra Banks show before and now I know why I'll never watch it again. Tyra Banks is now in the same category as Oprah, a Racist bitch. I my mind the world would be a lot better place if these racist bitches weren't allowed to have a T.V. show.

Oprah, Tyra go fuck your hat.

Sunday, April 29, 2007


Ok my rant on what pisses me off this time, “GOOF COPS.”

Now not all cops fall under this category, just a few city cops and a lot of OPP. There are a lot of good level headed cops out there, a good friend of mine is one of those good cops and I’m not just saying that because he’s my friend; if he was a “GOOF COP” I’d tell him and besides he doesn’t read my blog.

Now the cops I’m talking about are like the ones who attended the scene of that poor mother of 2 ‘s accident in-between Sutton and Keswick this past week. During the accident they stressed that it’s only a car and it can be replaced and then for some reason withheld the name of the fucking stupid fuck that hit them head on while drunk.

Now I may be only a guard, but I think something’s up. Was the drunk, a fellow cop, a friend or family member of one of the cops. The fucker was drunk. I don’t care if it was my own father the fuckers name should be released.

Another thing that pisses me off are those cops who think that they're better then everyone else. I was on this website that cops post shit on, and they where on the subject of Correctional Officers having badges, now I personally don’t have a badge and when the province finally issues one to me it’ll more then likely stay in my night stand. These cops where putting CO’s down and making fun of us (and Firefighters) because of the badges. That pissed me off, if you ask me none of those GOOF COPS that where putting us down would patrol a section of their town that housed 200 known criminals with only a radio to defend themselves. I’ll bet none of those pussys would do it.
If you’re a cop and you're reading this, just keep in mind that you may have to deal with them for an hour, but we have them for days, weeks, months, and even years.

Saturday, April 28, 2007


O.K last night I lost some sleep over this....At 4 in the morning today I was woke up by the sound of squealing tires So I shot out of bed and quickly got dressed and went out side to see if everything was alright. By the time I got to the road the stupid fuck had drove off, but just in case he/she didn't I got in my car and drove out to the road so I could have some light to make sure that someone wasn't in the ditch or worse in the lake. I found the tire marks on the road and could see where the car spun out and I also saw that the car drove away partly on the shoulder of the road. But that’s not what pissed me what pissed me off is what I heard on the radio when I was driving back to my house.

Apparently just recently in Toronto a teacher was suspended for sending a student to the principles office for the student refusing to stand for the playing of O'Canada. Now people not standing for the playing of OUR national anthem is not a new thing that pisses me off, because that’s been pissing me off since grade school and I've almost got into fights with other kids because of it. What made me loose sleep last night was that they suspended a teacher over it. Have we become such a society that is so afraid to be called a racist (even though we're not) to got to such a extreme and punish people who are proud of there nation and are insulted just the same (or even worse in my case) when someone doesn't have even a bit of respect for the country they live in to stand for the national anthem.

I've played and attended international hockey games where both teams national anthem where play and even though I'm extremely proud to be a Canadian I stood for both national anthems, and respected the opposing teams country.

Canada a place where you can come and don't have to stand for the playing of the national anthem.

Handi-caped parking

You know what I hate….. I hate those fucking people who park in the Customer with children spots and put out their Handicap signs and prance into the store, all while a mother of 2 young children has to park several cars back and push a stroller with one hand and try to keep control of another young child in the other while walking through a busy parking lot.

These type of people piss me off because you know that these same people would bitch and complain if someone was parked in there marked spot with out a tag. You know what the world doesn’t revolve around you just because you’re to fat for your leg’s to carry your own weight, or you can’t take care of your self and give yourself a heart attack. You people bitched and complained enough that by-laws where passed to give you lazy fucks close parking spots, and fines for anyone parking in them that are not suppose to, at least have the respect to give mothers of young children there 2-3 spot that where laid out, out of courtesy by the stores for them, and maybe then I’ll start having a little bit of respect for you..

I am a father of a 16 month old, and I don’t even use those spots out of respect for the other parents.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

I'm Back

As you all know stupid people piss me off something fierce, and since October since my last post (and I'm sorry for the delay) a lot of people pissed me off. But no one has pissed me off more then all these do-gooders complaining because Saddam was put to death.

These fucked up people think if they kept Saddam alive that he would suffer for his crimes. Give me a fucking break this guy (if some crazy person didn't try to break him out) would have gotten 3 meals a day, medication, dental, clothes and a roof over his head FOR FREE. He doesn't have to pay a thing. Now you fucking hug-a-thug piece of shits tell me how is that suffering. It's not.

Yes killing him didn't make him suffer but you fucked up stupid people don't think farther then tomorrow. At some point there is going to be some stupid fucker wanting to be a hero and break Saddam out, and in doing so several law abiding people would have of lost there lives, seems like a good trade off, only if you stupid hug-a-thug piece of shits where on guard......Go fuck yourself.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Kimveer Gill, Charles Carl Roberts, Jeff Weise, Duane Morrison, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. When you read these names what do you think? I think “Piece of shit cowards”

In case you don’t know who these people are I tell you:
Kimeer Gill- Piece of shit responsible for killing one female student at Dawson College in Quebec.
Charles Carl Roberts- Piece of shit that killed 5 school girls at an Amish school.
Jeff Weise- Piece of shit that killed 7 students in Red Lake Minnesota.
Duane Morrison- Piece of shit that killed 1 female student in Bailey Colorado.
And of course Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold- 2 Pieces of shits that Killed 13 people at Columbine High School.

Now some people might say that you missed a lot of other people who shot up schools. Your right but those people a just pieces of shit, these other people are Piece of shit cowards the difference being those other people stayed around to face the consequences of there actions. Where the above mentioned weren’t big enough to face the consequences and took the easy way out and shot themselves dead. Fucking Coward first of all you bust into a school full of innocent kids, then open fire, then be a coward and off yourself, fucking rot in hell goofs.

Since the shooting at Columbine high school in 1999 there has been 219 students killed at schools across North America, in my eyes that’s 219 too much. Remember when the only thing you had to worry about at school was the possibility of getting head lice now kids have to worry about getting their head shot off. It’s not right.

Friday, September 29, 2006

I Want to Play

O.K. apparently there is a double standard when it comes to playing high school sports in Winnipeg. It appears that a girl can play boys sports because the girl’s team, and I quote “is a joke and some players have trouble simply skating” but a boy can’t play on a girl’s team even though there is no boy’s team in a certain sport at that school.

That was a ruling from a human rights commission. I sorry if I’m going to offend some people for my standpoint on this subject but fuck it. It has to be said.

You can’t rule one way and let Girls play boys sports because the Girls don’t believe the girl’s team is good enough for them, and then turn around and say that the boys can’t play on a girls team. That to me is bullshit. How could you rationalize that decision? I mean come on how stupid can you be you, open up this door with the best of intentions to let these twin girls an opportunity to play at a higher caliber of hockey (before you jump all over me about that statement, that was basically the quote from the girls themselves) and not expect some people to revolt and try to get on girls teams, and it’s not like these boys are looking to leave there boys teams, these boys don’t have any boy’s teams to play on. They just saw an opportunity to play a sport they love, even if it’s on a girl’s team.

Let the boys play. Or reverse your decision and don’t let the girls play on boy’s team. Women fought long and hard to make everything equal, maybe it’s time for men to fight to make stuff equal if they’re going to make decisions like this. What next are they going to take away men’s right to vote? EQUAL RIGHTS FOR ALL GENDERS.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Don't be a Hound Dog

Oh! We have a winner this time…. I read in the newspaper that there is this guy in the Yukon (Elvis Aaron Presley) who is running in the Yukon Territorial Election in the Pelly-Nisutlin riding, wants to put an end to corruption in local government, which is beside the point. The stupid part of this story is the guys name “Elvis Aaron Presley” (who by the picture provided, looks like he could of stared in “The Plant of the Apes” and didn’t need any make-up) he was originally born with the name Gilbert Nelles but later changed his name to Elvis Aaron Presley when, and get this, “The spirit of the king of rock’n’roll was zapped into him by an alien spaceship”.

Now I didn’t know that Aliens where Elvis fans they would seem more like KISS fans to me or even Big and Rich fans because those aliens were in they’re video.

Hey Elvis you have my vote, but what happens when the aliens come back??????? Who will they pick to zap into you?