Monday, September 25, 2006

Minor Hockey

Alright this week’s rant is for all you minor hockey parents. You know who your are you’re the ones who wrote OMHA, CHA and all those other leagues complaining that your son’s/daughter’s pro career was in jeopardy because the referees weren’t calling their games like the NHL was.

Now these same fucked up parents are bitching and complaining about the amount of penalties the kids are getting. What did they think would happen when they wrote the letters? Do you really think that your son/daughter play’s at the pro level so that there is only 10-12 penalties a game. Well, I’ll tell you after the game I called on Saturday there will be no way that any game will have less then 20 penalties or be less the an hour and a half.

Just after the halfway point in my game I realized that not only myself had lost the flow of the game but the players had to the fun has been removed from the game, but those stupid fucking parents in the stands (you remember the ones that wanted it called just like the NHL last year) sure didn’t like it as I trotted back and forth to and from the penalty box area to report yet another penalty.

To all the minor hockey parents that are bitching this year, I just wanted to remind you that I have lots of empty spots on the Stupid people hall of Fame to fill so step up and enjoy.

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