Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Montreal Police Department

Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse the Montreal Police one up's the Canadian Liberal Party. At the Anastasia De Sousa funeral there was so many people there that parking was scarce so a lot of people parked in some no parking areas of Montreal near the Chapel where the service was, and these stupid fucks on the Police Department couldn't look the other way for an hour or two. No these fucks decide that all these people, that are spending money in Montreal for the short period of time they are there, and mourning the loss of a bright young girl desire a ticket and to top it all off the city of Montreal is not even rescinding the tickets that where issued.

I know that part of their job is supposed to enforce the laws, but come on how shallow can you be show some compassion.

As I'm writing this I don’t think that this qualifies as Stupid, so I can't enter them on the Stupid People Hall of Fame. But they do qualify as ASS HOLES.

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